Yes, Everyone Hallucinates
Going Bananas And Smoking Bananas
Nazi Ufos and Other Crazy Claims
This Fish Has a Strange Way To Do It
Animals in War and Espionage
Why Homoeopathy Is Really Voodoo
Nazi Ufos and Other Crazy Claims
This Fish Has a Strange Way To Do It
Animals in War and Espionage
Why Homoeopathy Is Really Voodoo
The Strange American Vampire Panics
The Hammer of the Witches
The Crap Life of a Drone
Is the Universe a Hologram?
An Experiment With a Live Severed Head
Exploding Lakes of Death
They Were Not Dead, Actually
The Crazy and Scary Deep Dark Web
Oh Wow! The Mummies of Krakow
When Mary Queen of Scots Lost Her Head
Ahhh! I'm Having A Stone Baby!
From Trephination to The Lobotomobile and Beyond
The Virgin Whose Body Tried to make A Baby
Skeletons Behind The Walls
Theoretically, We Can Look Back in Time
The Virgin Priestesses of Ancient Rome
A Strange 600 Year Old Manuscript
The Virgin Priestesses of Ancient Rome
A Strange 600 Year Old Manuscript
Where can we Find the Ancestors of Almost all Life Forms on Earth?
Are Humans Just Infantile?
When Mary Queen of Scots Lost Her Head
Cleopatra's Marriage to her Brother and Undersea Palace
Are Humans Just Infantile?
When Mary Queen of Scots Lost Her Head
Cleopatra's Marriage to her Brother and Undersea Palace
She Became a Mother at 5 Years of Age!
Seeing the Face of Jesus on a Piece of Toast
Social Conservatives Won't Like It
Would You Visit a Human Zoo?
Why Humans Can Talk and Other Apes Can't
When Your Beauty Routine is Nuts
The First British Female Doctor, Posed as a Man
16 million Individuals Alive Today are Related to one Man
Stalin: He Was Way Ahead of Photoshop
Could the Loch Ness Monster be True?
Possessed Nuns and Exorcisms
Did Stalin Try to Create an Ape Army?
Alexander the Great Fathered by A Snake?
Everyone I Know Believes It, So It Must be True
Nobody Really Has Blue Eyes
Pigging Out in Your Sleep
The Philosopher Mummy
Exploding King Henry
A Zonkey: A cross Between a Donkey and a Zebra
Women First Given Vote......By Accident
Psychopaths in Power
Can Humans be Raised by Animals?
A Totally Weird Religious Cult
Half Male, Half Female
Pope Benedict: Was He a Demon from Hell?
Three Really Amazing Savants
Bacteria and Corruption
Our Ancient DNA Matches
A Few Random Tales of Blood
The Snail Cure
The Right Yoghurt Helps Social Anxiety and Depression
Your Plastic Clothes and Inter-generational Theft and Destruction
The Guinea Pigs of Lithium
John Stuart Mill's Odd Childhood
When Only a Few Thousand Humans Lived on Earth
Off With The Fairies
The Unfortunate Inventor
500 Years After Martin Luther We Have A Robot Priest
Seeing the Face of Jesus on a Piece of Toast
Social Conservatives Won't Like It
Would You Visit a Human Zoo?
Why Humans Can Talk and Other Apes Can't
When Your Beauty Routine is Nuts
The First British Female Doctor, Posed as a Man
16 million Individuals Alive Today are Related to one Man
Stalin: He Was Way Ahead of Photoshop
Could the Loch Ness Monster be True?
Possessed Nuns and Exorcisms
Did Stalin Try to Create an Ape Army?
Alexander the Great Fathered by A Snake?
Everyone I Know Believes It, So It Must be True
Nobody Really Has Blue Eyes
Pigging Out in Your Sleep
The Philosopher Mummy
Exploding King Henry
A Zonkey: A cross Between a Donkey and a Zebra
Women First Given Vote......By Accident
Psychopaths in Power
Can Humans be Raised by Animals?
A Totally Weird Religious Cult
Half Male, Half Female
Pope Benedict: Was He a Demon from Hell?
Three Really Amazing Savants
Bacteria and Corruption
Our Ancient DNA Matches
A Few Random Tales of Blood
The Snail Cure
The Right Yoghurt Helps Social Anxiety and Depression
Your Plastic Clothes and Inter-generational Theft and Destruction
The Guinea Pigs of Lithium
John Stuart Mill's Odd Childhood
When Only a Few Thousand Humans Lived on Earth
Off With The Fairies
The Unfortunate Inventor
500 Years After Martin Luther We Have A Robot Priest
She died 169 BC. What Was Found in Her Tomb?
You Don't Say!
Isaac Newton: A singular Fellow and Genius
Animals and Virgin Birth: No Daddy Needed
This Dude Was Talking at Four Months of Age
The Witch Suspected Of Killing Between 1,000 and 2,500 People
Victorian Era Superstitions Were Barmy and Strange
Explaining Why Some Animals Like To Live Alone
You Don't Say!
Isaac Newton: A singular Fellow and Genius
Animals and Virgin Birth: No Daddy Needed
This Dude Was Talking at Four Months of Age
The Witch Suspected Of Killing Between 1,000 and 2,500 People
Victorian Era Superstitions Were Barmy and Strange
Explaining Why Some Animals Like To Live Alone