

Yes, Everyone Hallucinates




The Amazing Technology of the Ancient Greeks. Opa!

She Became a Mother at 5 Years of Age!

Seeing the Face of Jesus on a Piece of Toast

Social Conservatives Won't Like It

Would You Visit a Human Zoo?

Why Humans Can Talk and Other Apes Can't

When Your Beauty Routine is Nuts 

The First British Female Doctor, Posed as a Man

16 million Individuals Alive Today are Related to one Man

Stalin: He Was Way Ahead of Photoshop

Could the Loch Ness Monster be True?

Possessed Nuns and Exorcisms

Did Stalin Try to Create an Ape Army?

Alexander the Great Fathered by A Snake?

Everyone I  Know Believes It, So It Must be True

Nobody Really Has Blue Eyes

Pigging Out in Your Sleep

The Philosopher Mummy

Exploding King Henry

A  Zonkey: A cross Between a Donkey and a Zebra

Women First Given Vote......By Accident

Psychopaths in Power


Can Humans be Raised by Animals?

A Totally Weird Religious Cult

Half Male, Half Female

Pope Benedict: Was He a Demon from Hell?

Three Really Amazing Savants

Bacteria and Corruption

Our Ancient DNA Matches

A Few Random Tales of Blood

The Snail Cure

The Right Yoghurt Helps Social Anxiety and Depression

Your Plastic Clothes and Inter-generational Theft and Destruction

The Guinea Pigs of Lithium

John Stuart Mill's Odd Childhood

When Only a Few Thousand Humans Lived on Earth

Off With The Fairies

The Unfortunate Inventor

500 Years After  Martin Luther We Have A Robot Priest