Nazi Ufos and Other Crazy Claims

It sounds too crazy for words, but there is actually a collection of claims and anecdotes connecting Hitler and the Nazi's with successfully developing super-advanced spacecraft during World War II.

Early claims relate to the many reports by allied aircraft pilots about mysterious aerial phenomena from around the world. These reports came to be known as "foo fighter" phenomena; although initially, this term applied to a specific UFO reported and named by the U.S, as 415th Night Fighter Squadron. Foo fighters were assumed, by most witnesses to be secret weaponry used by their enemies.

Flying Saucers

After 1947, there were a series of flying saucer reports and in 1950, Professor Giuseppe Belluzzo, an Italian scientist asserted that "types of flying discs were designed and studied in Germany and Italy as early as 1942". Aeronautical engineer Roy Fedden also remarked that the Germans were working on a number of very unusual aeronautical projects and that if the war had gone on only months longer, there would have been some very "deadly developments".

Later in 1960, Jacques Bergier and Louis Pauwels alleged the existence of a secret society called the Vril-Society, which was supposedly searching for the energy force called, Vril, an “all-permeating fluid” of limitless power. In their book, The Morning of the Magicians, Bergier and Pauwels claimed that the Nazi Party, together with the Vril society, had actually developed a series of flying disc prototypes. When the Nazi's were defeated, the Vril society allegedly retreated to a base in Antarctica and vanished into hollow Earth, to meet up with the leaders of an advanced race inhabiting the inner Earth.

Bulgarian engineer, Vladimir Terziski, has also made a few startling claims, such as alleging that the Nazi's had the ability to land on the moon in 1942 and that, "there is atmosphere, water and vegetation on the Moon," which is concealed by NASA to exclude the third world from moon exploration.

Tin-Foil Territory

German Holocaust denier Ernst Zündel claimed that flying saucers were Nazi secret weapons, launched from an underground base in Antarctica, from which the Nazis hoped to conquer the world and possibly the planets. But would you believe the ideas a chap who advertised an expedition to Antarctica to find these bases and wanted to charge $9,999 for an exploration team to locate the polar entrance to the hollow earth?

The final piece of UFO/Nazi craziness relates to  Miguel Serrano, a Chilean diplomat who claimed that Adolf Hitler was an Avatar of the popular Hindu god Vishnu who was communing with Hyperborean gods of  Greek mythology, in an underground Antarctic base in New Swabia. Serrano also predicted that Hitler would lead a fleet of UFOs from the base to establish the Fourth Reich. Ahhhhhhh crazy!!!

Books To Read

Flim-Flam!: Psychics, ESP, Unicorns, and Other Delusions, by James Randi -ESP, psychokinesis, psychic detectives, levitation, psychic surgery, UFOs and more.