Going Bananas and Smoking Bananas

Most people have heard the claim that you can get high from smoking banana peel. The Anarchist Cookbook also believing this to be possible, published information about bananadine, the supposed psychoactive substance in bananas, in their 1970's book.

The hoax recipe was lifted from the Berkeley Barb, an underground newspaper from California, founded by Max Scherr in 1965. Scherr had a mischievous sense of humour and had the rascally idea that he could get the authorities to ban bananas. So the magazine went ahead and printed a story detailing how bananas contained a substance called "bananadine", which could induce a psychedelic high similar to opium and psilocybin.

Amazingly, this tall-tale was widely believed and not only did it inspire a generation of teens to get into smoking banana skins, but the absurd manufactured anecdote was mentioned in a New York Times article on illicit drugs by Donald Louria.

Despite New York University's finding, that bananas contain no intoxicating chemicals, the bananadine idea was reinforced by such songs as Mellow Yellow by Donovan (who was actually thinking about ladies' vibrators), and the punk rock band The Dead Milkmen, who sang a song about "Smokin' Banana Peels".

Sorry guys, but the only effect you will get is a placebo.

Books To Read

The Spider Network, by David Enrich - about con artists and fraud cases.