Did you Know This?

  • Ostriches do not hide their heads in the sand when faced with enemies.
  • Bananas do not grow on trees. Banana plants are flowering herbs. 
  • The word theory, as in the Theory of Evolution, does not imply doubt, as the scientific use of the word theory is different to theory used in ordinary usage.
  • Human adults have 206, but children have 300 bones because as they grow some of the bones fuse together. 
  • In the Bible, the forbidden fruit mentioned in the Book of Genesis is commonly believed to be an apple, and yet, the Bible does not say what type of fruit it is.
  • The final drafts of the United States Constitution, the U.S. Declaration of Independence and Bill of Rights were written on vellum, which is treated animal skin.
  • One online poll found that 34% of psilocybin mushroom ("shrooms," or "magic mushrooms,") users had homosexual thoughts after using the drug. Many psilocybin mushroom users report seeing penises in their hallucinations.
  • Italians did not invent pasta, it was introduced by Arabs from Libya, during their conquest of Sicily in the late 7th century.

Books To Read

Moral Tribes: Emotion, Reason, and the Gap Between Us and Them, by Joshua Greene - the modern world has pushed disparate tribes of people into a shared space, resulting in the clash of values along with unprecedented opportunities.