Social Conservatives Won't Like It

Social conservatives won't like it as it appears that homosexuality is fairly common and natural in many animals. Male black swans will often bring up baby swans together and grey whales have "slip-and-slide" orgies which involve lots of belly rubbing.
Females are not left out of the fun. About one-third of Hawaiian albatross pairs are both female. These birds can live for up to 70 years, forming strong monogamous pair bonds. Female koalas, also, form same-sex liaisons and may try to mate with up to five other female koalas at a time. And then what about the female Kobus kob, a kind of antelope, which engage in a bit of oral and stroking action together.
There are published claims that 94% of male giraffe sexual activity is same-sex, which is incredible! And, nearly all bonobo monkeys are bisexual. Bonobos also share about 98.7% of their DNA with humans.

In sheep (Ovis aries), around 8–10% of rams are exclusively homosexual and around a further 18–22% of rams are bisexual.

Books To Read

The Men Who Stare at Goats, by Jon Ronson is about the U.S. Army's exploration of New Age concepts and the potential military applications of the paranormal.