Psychopaths, according to research, are prevalent in positions of power. This is because they crave the influence, authority and sense of importance that powerful positions can bring them. And mostly, psychopaths are prepared to do whatever it takes to get to where they want to go.
Psychopaths are all around us. Especially above us making the decisions and manipulating people and situations to suit their own agenda. Psychopaths will say one thing and to do another. They know how to
appeal to and manipulate people, To get what they want. Which means that the powerful psychopath might say, "I understand what you want and I know how to deliver it", whilst manoeuvring and steering things to his own advantage.
Power, prestige and money are great motivating factors for
most psychopaths. It is estimated that about one in five corporate bosses are psychopaths and psychopaths are over-represented in politics, where Machiavellian, ruthless-grandstanding is the order of the day.
The three personality traits which define psychopaths are referred to as the “dark triad.” They are narcissism, psychopathy and a tendency toward Machiavellian behaviour. And according to research, people with these dark tendencies seem to be skilled at
making themselves more attractive to us, often by wearing flashy clothing, projecting confidence and through attractive facial expressions.
Most of us feel the powerful pull of these people with dark tendencies. This is why the brooding bad boy and the mean girls at school seem to get away with so much. The sense of
power and confidence that these
damaging people project really seems to beguile and attract others.
The problem is, that the rest of us are letting the psychopaths, narcissists and Machiavellian types rule our world. We are being conned by the bold and confident behaviour of these people who only wish to exploit the rest of us. We are letting these dark types build their oligarchic systems in our schools, our workplaces and our countries. As it stands,
we are the puppets and they are the masters. But perhaps, one day, we can wise up and change the current state of the power play. Perhaps.
Books To Read
Without Conscience: The Disturbing World of the Psychopaths Among Us, by Robert D. Hare.